‘What is Sedar?’ quips PKR’s Abang Zulkifli

Abang Zulkifli speaking to reporters at the state PKR Service Centre in Sungai Maong Bazaar this afternoon.

KUCHING, June 25: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Batang Lupar branch chief Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh today rubbished claims that the proposed Parti Sedar Rakyat Sarawak (Sedar) would be a well-received alternative to PKR and Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB).

Speaking to reporters at the state PKR service centre at Sungai Maong Bazaar here, he said after the 14th General Election (GE14), he had been going down to the ground all over the state, assisting state PKR chairman Baru Bian.

He said Malay support for PKR had been very encouraging as the party had been receiving thousand of new applications to become party members.


ā€œWhat is Sedar?ā€ he replied when asked about it today.

He opined that Sarawakian Malays were still more interested to join PKR than an unknown entity.

ā€œAfter the GE14, I never stopped going down to the ground working, from Limbang all the way to Lundu. That is my responsibility to help YB Baru Bian, especially in Malay areas.

ā€œI was even called to help out in Baleh. So, I believe PKR is very well received by everyone, particularly the Sarawakian Malays. Not Sedar. I do not see much support for Sedar,ā€ said Abang Zulkifli.

Abang Zulkifli was state PKR deputy chairman before stepping down just after the 2011 state election.

On June 20, Sedar protem chairman Dato Othman Abdillah told DayakDaily that his proposed party was in the midst of meeting all the requirements for registration with the Registrar of Societies.

ā€œHowever, the party formation meeting scheduled for yesterday (June 19) had been postponed as many people from all over Sarawak wanted to join in. All wanted to be part of the historic event. We canā€™t disappoint them,ā€ he claimed.

Othman claimed Sedar wanted to bring a fresh political culture and responsibility with a new line-up of individuals who are in touch with the current realities and sufferings of Sarawakians, whose plights had been neglected by Putrajaya and Sarawak for decades.

In a statement on June 18, Othman claimed Sedar was not only aiming to be an alternative to PBB in its struggle to protect the interests of the Malays in Sarawak but also aiming to be a substitute to PKR Sarawak.

ā€œHowever, this party will cooperate with PKR to challenge PBB in non-Malay areas,ā€ he said, claiming that discussions with top PKR leaders in Kuala Lumpur had been held. ā€” DayakDaily
