‘We will wrest Sibu seats from the opposition’ — Abg Jo

Abang Johari (third right) together with other GPS leaders flying the GPS flags after the launching ceremony.

SIBU, Feb 8: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) has made it a priority to wrest state seats in Sibu in the coming state election due in 2021.

This to ensure the state government can materialise its planning and agendas to develop Sibu, said Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

The GPS chairman admitted that Sibu has been a problematic area, as all candidates fielded before had failed to win back the seats from the opposition.


At current, only Nangka (Dr Annuar Rapaee) is under GPS through Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB). Bawang Assan, held by Datuk Seri Wong Soon Koh, is under Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB), while Bukit Assek (Irene Chang) and Pelawan (David Wong Kee Woan) are under Democratic Action Party (DAP).

PSB, formerly United People’s Party (UPP), was friendly to the state government under the then Barisan Nasional coalition, where Wong was even part of the state Cabinet as Second Finance Minister, as well as International Trade and eCommerce Minister.

“We will field winnable candidates for Sibu areas because we already have agendas for Sibu.

“We want to expand Sibu areas including Kampung Datuk and Kampung Kemunyang, as well as setting up a silviculture park (called Nangka Baru) and turning Sibu into a modern town with ART (autonomous rail transit) public transport system,” he said when launching GPS Sibu (Zone 9) here today.

Abang Johari added that plans were in the pipeline to build new roads to connect Sibu Hospital to Kampung Kemunyang, urban renewal to make the town more vibrant and improvement on Bukit Assek, which has been plagued by flood problems.

Noting that a large amount of fund be required to realise its vision, Abang Johari pleaded with the Sibu people not to fret, because as long as GPS is in power, the leaders know what to do.

“Make sure Sibu is in our hand. I will speak frankly, if Sibu is well developed, so as Miri, Bintulu and Kuching, our ports will flourish and Sarawak’s economy will continue to be strong.

“We can create more job opportunities with new digital approaches. Even Putrajaya wants to learn from us on digital development as the MCMC (Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission) has met with SMA (Sarawak Multimedia Authority),” he said.

He added that GPS is focused on its agenda to develop Sarawak in full swing. The state government has policies set towards making Sarawak the most advanced and developed state in Malaysia by 2030.

“Hopefully GPS Sibu Zone 9 will be the platform for us to wrestle back all the seats in Sibu. So let’s all work hard together, uphold our unity and give priority to Sarawak. Only Sarawakians can govern and fight for the interests of Sarawak,” said. — DayakDaily
