Wan Junaidi to raise issue of repatriating Malaysians stranded in Nigeria

Dato Sri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, June 4: Santubong MP Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar is raising the issue of stranded Malaysians in Lagos, Nigeria in a cabinet meeting today.

He will also bring the issue to a Covid-19 committee meeting which is due to meet on June 6, this Saturday.


In the two meetings, Wan Junaidi who is also Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives Minister said he will not only talk about the predicament of the Malaysians stranded in Nigeria but of subsequent actions to be taken.

Wan Junaidi said he was aware of the case and is in touch with Malcolm Goh, one of the stranded Malaysians in Lagos.

“I have already spoken to Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs on this matter,” said Wan Junaidi.

He said something needed to be done because these stranded professionals were Malaysians.

“They are Malaysians and we want to bring them home. We care for their wellbeing and welfare.

“There are a lot of Malaysians still stranded overseas and we are discussing with respective countries on their repatriation with foreign governments on how a win-win situation could be achieved,” Wan Junaidi told DayakDaily.

A total of 30 Malaysians including 13 Sarawakians involved in the oil and gas industry are stranded in Lagos, Nigeria and one Sarawakian among them had sent out a desperate SOS through social media.

According to the Sarawakian from Kuching, Goh in his Facebook post on June 2 at 9.53pm, seeking assistance through social media was his last resort to seek repatriation from Lagos.

Goh said they have been stranded in Lagos due to the closure of Lagos Airport due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Most of the Malaysian professionals have been there for months and are hoping that the Malaysian government will charter a flight to bring them back to Malaysia – the only way they can leave the country and return home.—DayakDaily
