Unique kek lapis mooncake symbolic of Sarawak’s unity, says Dr Sim

Dr Sim (in yellow shirt) presenting gifts to an elderly resident in conjunction with Mooncake Festival. Also seen are Wee (centre) and Hilmi (second right).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Sept 30: The unique lek lapis mooncake with its multiple layers and brilliant colours, which is special to and can only be found in Sarawak, perfectly illustrates the strong unity in diversity embraced by Sarawakians.

Reflecting on the meaning of reunion as the Chinese community celebrate the Mid-Autumn or Mooncake Festival tomorrow (Oct 1), Minister for Local Government and Housing Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian only has one message for the people: “Do not get provoked easily and never ever allow others to destroy Sarawak’s unity”.


“Unity is important to us and let’s not take it for granted because there are people who constantly try to provoke and destroy our unity because they get ‘red eye’ (jealous) to see Sarawak getting strong and richer,” he said at the community programme to present tilapia and mooncakes to residents at KMC Flats, Jalan Ban Hock here today.

Due to disunity caused by political divide in Peninsular Malaysia, Dr Sim pointed out that Sarawak thus played a very significant role in the peninsula’s politics such as its decision in determining the Prime Minister.

“Why us when we (Gabungan Parti Sarawak or GPS) only have 18 seats (of 222 seats in Parliament)?

“Peninsular Malaysia could have been strong like Sarawak if not for politics and power struggle which have divided them.

“So we must protect our unity because once we are divided, Sarawak could be taken away with our eyes wide open. So let’s work hard together for Sarawak,” he urged.

While mooncakes were used to conceal hidden messages according to the Chinese legend, Dr Sim said he had only one clear message for all Sarawakians which was “to protect our home as we want to move Sarawak forward together, fight Covid-19 together and make Sarawak a homely and liveable place for everyone.”

“That’s my message. No secret message. No secret meeting with anybody. No ‘behind behind’ (sic) one,” he added.

Dr Sim, who is also Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) president, also advised people to see for themselves the individuals who worked themselves into the ground instead of just coming around for show and publicity.

He thus commended Kuching South City Council (MBKS) Mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng, MBKS councillors and various teams for working hard and sincerely to address the problems and concerns of the people.

“Deceiving people with acts only cannot solve problems. I want to thank the Mayor and councillors for always going down (to the ground) and engaging with the community in order to get things done. Everyone needs to play their role and take their responsibility seriously,” he added.

Meanwhile, the community programme organised by MBKS was aimed at bringing joy and showing care to the community of KMC Flats especially the senior citizens during festive seasons.

MBKS deputy mayor Hilmi Othman, councillors and Chinese community leaders were among those present. — DayakDaily
