Uggah wants KPDNHEP to include agriculture inputs under Price Control Mechanism

Uggah (second right) is seen presenting souvenirs to Nanta (second left) while Tan (left) and Hasnol (right) look on.

KUCHING, July 3: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas wants the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) to include agriculture inputs such as fertiliser, pesticide and many others, under the Price Control Mechanism.

Uggah said this would make them more affordable besides reducing the burden faced by farmers living in the state’s interiors.

“At the moment, when such inputs reach the interiors, they cost much more due to transportation charges. If they are placed under the Price Control Mechanism, our farmers can enjoy the same price as in urban areas,” he said.


Uggah made the suggestion to KPDNHEP Minister Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi, who paid a courtesy call at his office in Wisma Bapa Malaysia, today.

Uggah, who is also the Minister of Agriculture Modernisation, Native Land and Regional Development (MANRED) noted that he would be officially writing in to KPDNHEP for the cooperation.

He suggested that transporters, who are engaged by the ministry in sending the consumer goods to the interiors areas, to assist the farmers there by helping to transport their produces to the urban markets.

“It is good that if they can assist, as after all, the lorries will be empty on the return trip, and at the same time, farmers can then save on the transport costs too,” he added.

Meanwhile, KPDNHEP Minister Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi said that his ministry is ready to collaborate with MANRED in promoting local products, including on other pertinent matters.

“The ministry has approved the setting up of sub offices in Betong and Serian to help in monitoring the prices of essential items, especially before any major celebrations like the Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Gawai Dayak or Christmas,” he said.

Among those present during the courtesy visit were KPDNHEP chief secretary Datuk Seri Hasnol Zam Zam Ahmad, KPDNHEP Sarawak director Datuk Stanley Tan, Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) director general Datuk Roslan Mahayudin, political secretary to the Prime Minister Lidam Assan and political secretary to the Chief Minister Dr Richard Rapu. –DayakDaily.
