Uggah: State govt in discussions with Fed govt on Covid-19 vaccination booster shots

Uggah addressing the gathering of various non-Islamic religious organisations for a thanksgiving prayer organised by Unifor in conjunction with Taib's birthday celebration.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Oct 8: Sarawak is currently in discussions with the Federal government on the proposed Covid-19 vaccines, whereby a third shot or booster shot is currently being considered, especially for high-risk groups including frontliners, senior citizens and people with morbidities.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas highlighted this when addressing the gathering of all non-Islamic religious bodies and organisations for a thanksgiving prayer organised by Unit For Other Religions (Unifor) in conjunction with Head of State Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud’s 85th birthday celebration today.


“The State government is now at the discussion stage with the Federal government on the proposed third and booster (vaccine) dose, especially for the high risk groups,” he said.

On Sept 19, it was reported that Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin had in principle agreed to administering third shots or booster shots in Sarawak to enhance the immunity of those vaccinated against Covid-19 in view of the highly contagious Delta variant.

The booster shots would be rolled out in three stages, similar to the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) whereby frontliners will be given the priority, followed by the elderly, high-risk groups and the rest of the public.

Catholic Archbishop of Kuching Simon Poh is among the religious leaders at the thanksgiving prayer gathering.

Meantime, Uggah, who is State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman, reminded all Sarawakians to continue observing the standard operating procedures (SOP) zealously even though the State has rescinded the inter-district travel ban a few days ago as cases are showing a downward trend.

“People are now free to move around. But it is in the best interest of all that they continue to observe the SOP zealously.

“I would strongly advise those planning to return to their villages and longhouses in the interior areas to take the strictest precautions in doing so.

“We noticed a lot of Covid-19 cases in the rural areas which were imported from urban areas. So please take care and do your own self-testing. This is the least you can do to protect our grandparents, parents, aunties, uncles and young ones from Covid-19,” he said.

He urged people to always wear their face masks while in public places, keep a distance from others, avoid close conversation and do not gather in a group to socialise with others.

Minister for Local Government and Housing Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian, State Secretary Datuk Amar Jaul Samion, assistant ministers and various religious leaders were among those present. — DayakDaily
