Uggah: More allocations for farmers next year

Uggah (in blue) in a group photo with members of the Women Bureau and JKKK.

SPAOH, Dec 28: Farmers in the state could expect more assistance from the state government beginning next year.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas emphasised that the increase in allocation was intended to help farmers in developing their land and improve their livelihood through agriculture.

The state government, he reiterated, has urged and encouraged farmers to plant crops such as pineapple, coconut and banana.


“You have the land… please cultivate them. The state government will assist. As a matter of fact, its policy wants every inch to be cultivated and be productive.

“This is one of the state government ways, in its effort to help the rural folks improve their socio-economic status,” he said.

Uggah, who is also Minister of Agriculture Modernisation, Native Land, and Regional Development, gave the advice at a meet-the-people session at RH Bangkit Rembai Baru near here today.

He and Betong MP Datuk Robert Lawson Chuat were the guests-of-honour at the 20-door modern longhouse 20th anniversary celebration.

In addition, Uggah said landowners could choose to develop their land themselves or invite private investors and government agencies to help.

“There is an opportunity in the fruit farming and also livestock rearing industry.

“Please discuss among yourselves and your ‘Tuai Rumah’ (longhouse chieftain) and ‘Penghulu’ on what you want to do, and then convey your collective decision to us by next month the latest,” he added.

Meanwhile, on the longhouse anniversary, he said it was a testimony of the folk’s determination and commitment to have a new concrete and most modern longhouse.

“I must congratulate everyone. You have done very well with maximum (more than 90 per cent) of your effort,” he added.

Uggah then announced a grant of RM60,000 to the longhouse fund plus another RM20,000 to its Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) as well as RM3,000 for its Women Bureau, while Chuat pledged an allocation of RM5,000 to its JKKK.— DayakDaily
