Uggah, Belgium Ambassador discuss possible collaboration between ports

Uggah (left) presenting a memento to Grégoire after the discussion.

KUCHING, May 23: Pascal H. Grégoire, Ambassador of Belgium to Malaysia, paid a courtesy call to Deputy Premier of Sarawak Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas at the latter’s new office in the new Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sarawak building to discuss possible collaboration between Port of Antwerp-Bruges International and Kuching Port.

According to a statement issued today, Grégoire was accompanied by Belgium’s Port of Antwerp-Bruges International senior director Mario Lievens and senior consultant Michiel Dubos during the visit today.

Also present were Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Port Development (MIPD) Datuk Majang Renggie and MIPD permanent secretary Datu Safri Zainudin.


“During the courtesy call, Uggah and Grégoire discussed possible collaboration between the Antwerp-Bruges International Port and Kuching Port.

“The Belgium Port is collaborating and managing ports in Africa, Brazil, and Abu Dhabi, among others,” Safri said.

The statement mentioned that Antwerp-Bruges International is Europe’s largest export port and one of the leading container ports in Europe.

“Its central location, extensive connections with global markets, and a large part of the European hinterland combined with its excellent infrastructure make it an attractive choice for business opportunities.

“It also aims to be the energy gateway to Europe as a ‘green port’.

“By 2028, it plans to have the capacity to receive the first green hydrogen molecules on its platform,” the statement reads.

The statement noted that to this end, it is working on expanding terminal capacity for existing and new hydrogen carriers at both port sites. — DayakDaily
