Uggah approves RM246,000 to improve facilities at two longhouses

A JKR representative (right) handing over the RTP cheque to a contractor on Thursday. Photo: Ukas

KUCHING, Nov 12: Bukit Saban incumbent and Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas has approved an allocation worth RM246,000 in Rural Transformation Projects (RTPs) for Rh. Tayan Gani longhouse in Penebak Ulu and Rh. Lanyau Jembu Linsom longhouse, both in Layar.

According to a report from Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) today, the allocation was handed over to two contractors by representatives from the Public Works Department (JKR) and Bukit Saban Constituency Service Centre yesterday.

For the project in Rh. Lanyau Jembu, JKR handed over a total of RM150,000 to K.S Kabok Enterprise, witnessed by Tr. Lanyau Jembu, to upgrade the longhouse road.


Another RM96,000 was also handed over to Mara Pertama Enterprise contractor, witnessed by Tr. Tayan Gani, to resurface the damaged concrete road in Nanga Penebak, Ulu Layar, Betong.

Meanwhile, both Lanyau and Tayan expressed their gratitude to the government for implementing the RTPs in the area.

They hoped that the projects would run smoothly and the community would benefit from it. ā€” DayakDaily
