TVS Prihatin joins hand with seven charity NGOs to aid the needy

TVS Prihatin representative handing donations to Save Our Strays (SOS). dd301220-Sl-TVSPrihatin1

KUCHING, Dec 31: TVS Prihatin has joined hands with seven Sarawak charity associations and donated a total of 300 items to those in need in the last two weeks of December 2020.

TVS Prihatin, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project by Sarawak’s first TV station, TV Sarawak (TVS) had until yesterday (Dec 30) ventured off to help those less fortunate under the care of these associations, catering to individuals ranging from three to 30 years old as well as animals.

The associations that were reached out to by TVS Prihatin were Hope Place Kuching, Kuching Autistic Association, Dyslexia Association of Sarawak, Wishesland, Society of Kuching Urban Poor under KECHARA Food Kitchen, Sarawak Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) & Save Our Strays (SOS).


“As Sarawak’s first TV station, TVS Prihatin portrays how the media is close to the people in need and as a platform bridging the community in Sarawak.

“In this project, a total of 300 items has been donated in terms of milk, towels, pillows, stationeries, notebooks, colouring pencils and colouring books to rice, biscuits, cooking oil, canned baked beans, salt & sugar to animal canned food, kibbles and laundry detergents,” said TVS in a statement yesterday.

Commenting on this, TVS Marketing General Manager Marianna Wong said this activity aims to also expose the younger TVS workforce to CSR activities by volunteering and doing charity work, other than lending a helping hand to those who are underprivileged.

Apart from giving back to the community, TVS Prihatin is, too, hoping to attract people to donate to the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the effort to help Sarawakians.

Meanwhile, Kuching Urban Poor Secretary of Society Fabian Wong made a remark, saying that the donations would help hundreds of people and families during this pandemic and start their new year with blessings and joy.

“I am blessed and grateful to have received a lot of donations from different organisations and this shows our Sarawakians are very helpful and caring towards each other,” he added.

With that, TVS called for more kind-hearted Sarawakians to help these NGOs as this festive season revolves around giving and gifting, in hopes that TVS Prihatin can continue to bring joy and blissfulness in the following years to come.—DayakDaily
