Tun M’s GE14 address to be streamed on Facebook Live at 10pm tomorrow

Chong (right) and DAP candidate for Bandar Kuching Dr Kelvin Yii showing flyers that would be distributed all over Kuching at the press conference.

KUCHING, May 7: State Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen is calling upon supporters all over the state to tune in to the party’s official Facebook page as well as Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) Facebook page tomorrow at 10pm to listen to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s final speech and announcement before the general election (GE14).

Chong, who is also DAP’s candidate for Stampin, told a press conference that PH’s ‘ceramah’ all over the state tomorrow would begin at 7pm, and would pause by 10pm to broadcast Dr Mahathir’s Facebook Live video stream.

“Before that we will hold our ‘ceramah’ from 7pm to 10pm, and at 10pm we will pause our ‘ceramah’ so that all present together with us at Saradise in BDC (Kuching) will listen together to what Dr Mahathir will have to announce in his speech tomorrow,” he said.


With that, Chong appealed to the authorities and the state government to cooperate by ensuring no interruption to the Internet connection would happen.

“Our call on the government or authorities like the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) including the Sarawak government is not to interfere with or sabotage the Internet connection while we broadcast Dr Mahathir’s Facebook Live speech.

“Technically that can be done, but in the spirit of fair democracy and the spirit of a normal operation, that should not be done. We call upon all our supporters to attend the last ‘ceramah’ for the campaign period tomorrow night and let us together listen together to what Tun M has to say,” he announced.

Meanwhile, Chong also call on voters, particularly from Bandar Kuching and Stampin constituencies to vote for a new government and a new hope.

He said that a vote for their opponents from Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) would mean a vote for Najib and UMNO and their ‘abuses, corruption and racism’.

“A vote for DAP is a vote for a new government and a vote for new hope. Your vote will decide the future of this country and our children.

“So our humble appeal is to the voters in Kuching and Stampin, and all the other constituencies in Sarawak, vote for DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and PH; vote for our children’s future,” he said. — DayakDaily
