Tiong raps DAP Wong for childish comments, insinuating GPS link to Rosmah graft trial

Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing

KUCHING, Feb 8: Progressive Democratic Party’s (PDP) president Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing chided Democratic Action Party (DAP) lawmaker Wong King Wei for his childish comments on Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s graft and bribery trial.

Tiong believed his comments were intended to raise speculation and public ire against the previous federal government and the current Sarawak government for political gain.

Hence, Tiong reminded DAP to watch the public statements made by their junior politicians on the current legal proceedings with huge public interest lest they are accused of contempt of court or worse.


Tiong opined that Wong had insinuated that Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) politicians had something to do with such a contract award when it was entirely under the purview of the federal government.

“It’s clear what Wong intends to achieve by pointing fingers at the GPS state government.

“It is easy to use the public outrage on the graft case against Rosmah for her alleged role in the Ministry of Education’s approval of a hybrid solar project for 369 schools in rural Sarawak to help his party gain political mileage by casting aspersions on GPS.

“But Wong’s lazy and laughable post on Facebook is merely a bait for his political opponents in a poorly thought out attempt to get them to make comments that could become sub judice towards the ongoing case.

Tiong noted the court case against Rosmah was still ongoing but Wong’s open statement on the court case could lead to or cause pre-judgments and prejudice by the public against those involved in the trial and influence the outcome of the case.

“If he is really a learned lawyer, he should realise that making comments and judgments, especially publicly or in the media, that could influence or skew perception towards an ongoing court case could lead to contempt of court,” he said in a statement.

As a result, Tiong believed Wong’s statements should be against his legal ethics and the bar should censure him for that.

“It is comically obvious that his statement is merely to use a widely followed case as a backdrop for his own political show,” Tiong added.

Tiong opined that statements like that were aimed at casting aspersions on the ruling state government and skew public opinion in the run up to the state elections.

Therefore, he believed Pakatan Harapan (PH) politicians were trying hard to come up with ways to gain political clout and that naive and poorly informed remarks like Wong’s would backfire and make him and his party look more foolish.

Tiong observed that DAP politicians’ statements often used emotive language to stir the sentiments of their supporters and create public outrage.

As a ruling party in the federal government, Tiong noted that it was sad to see them continue to employ such tactics as if they were still in the opposition.

He asserted that the party’s leaders were still unable to see that their words and deeds had created large ripples now and the wrong facts would eventually lead to fake news. —DayakDaily
