Tiong: Flood issues hindering promotion of Sibu’s growing tourism industry

Tiong (left) together with Deputy Minister for Public Health, Housing and Local Government Sarawak Michael Tiang Ming Tee (fourth right) attending the UCA Sibu Chinese New Year Gathering recently.

KUCHING, Jan 26: The flood problem is the biggest challenge in promoting Sibu’s tourism industry, said Dato Sri Tiong King Sing.

According to Tiong, who is Federal Tourism, Arts, and Culture (Motac) Minister, the floods have worsened to the extent that tourism operators or tourists have begun to think twice about coming to Sibu.

“In solving the flood problem in Sibu, our tourism will improve and become more integrated with Malaysia’s tourism and arts industry.


“Rest assured, our colleagues from Motac are committed to promoting local tourism by identifying suitable tourist attractions and improving them,” he said during the United Chinese Association Sibu Division (UCA Sibu) Chinese New Year Gathering held in Sibu recently.

The Bintulu MP and Dudong assemblyman said currently, the riverbed survey work on the Rejang and Igan rivers are in progress in order to obtain the required data to carry out the dredging project and plan an effective flood control programme.

He explained that this must be done in order to cope with the sudden surges in water volume and to allow for smooth drainage of water brought on by unpredictable weather patterns caused by climate change.

“As far as I know, the Deputy Premier of Sarawak and Minister of Public Health, Housing and Local Government Sarawak will lead a delegation overseas to study more effective improvement of drainage systems,” he added.

During the gathering, Tiong also announced an allocation of RM50,000 to the Federation of Chinese Associations in Sibu, Sarawak, and RM10,000 each for the youth group and women’s group. — DayakDaily
