Ting: Give a strong mandate to Abang Johari in PRN12 to fight for Sarawak’s rights

Sebastian Ting addressing attendees at the launch of Batik Linut Textiles.

By Karen Bong

MIRI, Nov 24: Give Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) a strong mandate that will allow Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg to have a powerful voice that will defend and demand the best for Sarawak when it comes to negotiating with the Federal government.

Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Sebastian Ting made this call to all Sarawakians while saying that Sarawak must never allow Peninsula-based parties to come in and take over.


“Imagine one day, we cannot decide who can be our chief minister like other places who had to listen to the central government.

“We must continue to give the GPS government a very strong mandate so that when our chief Minister goes to the Federal government to negotiate, he can tell them that the people of Sarawak are with him.

“He can go there to get the best for Sarawakians, for our children and for our future generations with the full backing of the people of Sarawak,” he said at the launching of Batik Linut Textiles under the Proudly Sarawak platform which was officiated by Abang Johari at a hotel here today.

He was responding to the Election Commission (EC) announcement of the 12th Sarawak Election in which the polling date has been set on Dec 18 and nomination on Dec 6.

Ting, who is also Piasau incumbent, reminded Sarawakians how Sarawak has been bullied in the 22 months following the change of government in 2018, especially concerning the upgrading of dilapidated schools in Sarawak.

“We had that RM1 billion before the change of government but that was taken out and they claimed that they did not have money. The chief minister then decided to give them the money (to be rechanneled back to Sarawak).

“The first payment of RM350 million was made in August 2018, nothing done. Another RM350 million in November 2018. Still, nothing was done. The chief minister came up with the money for our dilapidated schools,” he said.

Ting also mentioned how the Federal government through Petronas attempted to claim exclusive rights over Sarawak oil and gas resources, which the State government later won the legal suit and proceed to impose five per cent State Sales Tax (SST) on petroleum-based products.

“With that, Sarawak managed to collect RM3.2 million from SST in 2019 alone. With more revenue to be generated, this will all go into the development of Sarawak, for our children, schools and so on.

“We (Sarawakians) must take pride in what Sarawak has, including immigration autonomy. Sarawak must always come first. We must treasure, value, protect and promote what we have,” he said.

Sarawak, he pointed out, is the only place in Malaysia that has a strong foundation of peace, harmony and unity.

He also took the opportunity to convey thanks and gratitude on behalf of all organisations, associations and houses of worship in Miri to Abang Johari for the funding channelled through Unit for Other Religions (Unifor) that have facilitated the development of the respective establishments.

“They know the government has been helping and they were all thankful but they don’t have the opportunity to thank you personally. It is not only money but the government also allocated land for them to build churches and temples.

“You don’t find this in other places in Malaysia. Only Sarawak. As Sarawakians, we take pride in this religious and racial harmony,” he added.

Minister of Transport Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin, Assistant Minister of Family and Early Childhood Development Rosey Yunus and Lamin Dana managing director Diana Rose were among those present. — DayakDaily
