Tiang: PH’s New Deal is a bad deal

Michael Tiang

KUCHING, April 10: The proposed New Deal agreement by Pakatan Harapan (PH) to Sarawak Barisan Nasional is a bad deal, says Michael Tiang, the Youth Central chairman of Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP).

He said PH was only pretending to honour Sarawak as a founding partner to the formation of Malaysia by promising to revert the state’s founding position, but totally disregarding the state’s autonomous rights when they mention oil and gas.

“They still perceive our Petros (Petroleum Sarawak Berhad) as a contractor company, not a Sarawakian sovereign company that has both ownership and regulatory powers over oil and gas within Sarawak’s territory.


“PH even continues to suggest a mere 20 per cent oil royalty for Sarawak and also to form another oil company to share the oil and gas regulatory powers together with Petronas which is a total reverse to the Sarawak government’s agenda to exercise our 100 per cent rights over our oil and gas within our territory,” Tiang said in a press statement today.

He said PH has already failed to respect and acknowledge Sarawak’s territorial integrity, let alone to honour whatever is promised in the New Deal agreement.

He pointed out after aggressive pursuit in reclaiming rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), Sarawak has since gained back many of its rights as provided under MA63 through devolution of powers as well as further cemented its indispensable status as “the fixed deposit state” for Putrajaya after the state election in 2016.

“Therefore I won’t be surprised that even the opposition alliance has to acknowledge the fact that Sarawak’s autonomous position in Malaysia is not to be taken lightly,” said Tiang who is also a political secretary to the Chief Minister of Sarawak.

“This is new, as in the past this was never offered or considered by Barisan Alternatif or Pakatan Rakyat. Moreover, in the recently unveiled Barisan Nasional Manifesto by (Prime Minister) Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, it was also the first time the BN reserves a full chapter of its Manifesto to empowering and prosperimg Sarawak by giving back rights and allocation of funds to close the gaps of development between Sarawak and the Peninsula. This shows that when you’re strong and have autonomous powers, you’ll be approached by all parties with great respect and deals,” said Tiang.

He said it is therefore very important for all Sarawakians to see this political reality and they needed to support Sarawak BN to win in all 31 seats in the coming General Election to make a very loud statement.

He said it means that the people of Sarawak are united in supporting Sarawak BN under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg to safeguard Sarawak rights; and that Sarawak is serious about getting back all the rights and powers belonging to Sarawak according to MA63 without any compromise. — DayakDaily
