Telang Usan rep assures constituents he will continue to give his best to them

Dennis (fifth from right, wearing light brown shirt) poses for a group photo with the church congregation after the event.

MIRI, May 31: Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau assures his constituents that he will continue to do all he can to bring development to the area, including basic amenities and infrastructure.

He said this at the Annual Easter Celebration for Patah-Abang at the Ba Kawi settlement, located a five-hour drive from Miri city on Tuesday (May 29).

“Very soon the life of residents of Ba Kawi in particular will be transformed with 24-hour electricity from the Barisan Nasional government.


“It was a long term development strategy set years ago. This is my struggle together with our Member of Parliament all along and in the years to come as long as I am your wakil rakyat,” he emphasised to the audience.

He also took the opportunity to explain the current political situation in the country and the state after received queries from village heads seeking his advice.

Dennis assured his constituents that it would be business as usual in the state and advised them to carry on with their daily life and not to get bogged down with politics.

“Election is over so please tone down or better still stop politicking as I am worried that prolonged political feuds may cause the community including the church and longhouse to split which will not bring any good to a community or settlement,” he pointed out.

At the gathering, Dennis handed over Minor Rural Project (MRP) funds of RM2,000 to the Patah-Abang Easter event organising committee and RM3,000 to the Pelayanan Pemuda Pemudi Daerah Patah Abang committee to cover some expenses for the youth gathering at BEM Long Lilim which is scheduled to be held at the end of June 2018.

The annual Patah-Abang Easter gathering for 12 Penan villages from the area was attended by more than 400 Christians.

“I am glad to see many youth attending this gathering this year and as your elected representative, I hope that our young generation will continue to seek God’s guidance while you go about your daily life,” he said.

Also present at the event was Pastor Steve Balang of BEM Hope Miri, who was the invited speaker for the gathering.
