Tamin residents want proposal to develop 33,000 ha of NCR land approved

From seated fourth right: Christopher, Masing and Political Secretary to the Chief Minister Dato Sri Doris Brodie at the meeting with the 17 community leaders from Tamin.

KUCHING, Jan 24: A total of 17 community leaders from Tamin constituency have met with Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing to follow up on the plan to develop their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.

The community leaders were led by their elected state representative Christopher Gira during the meeting held at Masing’s office yesterday.

Christopher said these leaders hoped the government would approve the proposal to develop 33,000 ha of their NCR land which had been surveyed for plantation development based on leasing.


“The lease is based on RM350 per ha per year from Year One to Year Five and RM720 per ha per year from Year Six to Year 30.”

He pointed out that the land gazetted under Section 6 of Land Code, covers an area which includes Ulu Pakoh, Ulu Oya and Sekuau.

“The lease involves 600 families. Based on the terms and conditions of the lease, these families may receive RM11,550,000 per year for the first five years and RM23,760,000 for Year Six to Year 30.

“The proposal was submitted to the state government in 2016 but to date, no reply has been received.

“These community leaders hope the government heeds their proposal and gives them feedback before the 14th General Election so that development on their NCR land may take place soonest,” Christopher told the DayakDaily.

He stressed that the community leaders would prefer leasing to a joint-venture scheme as they have come to an agreement with a company.

“Everything is set for development. They are now only waiting for the approval from the government to kick start the development of their land,” said Christopher.

Meanwhile, Masing said he would convey the request of these community leaders to the relevant authorities.

“I will relay their request to the appropriate ministry for immediate action.

“After all, the NCR land has been surveyed and thus, free of land dispute,” said Masing, who is also Infrastructure Development and Transportation Minister and also President for Parti Rakyat Sarawak. — DayakDaily
