Synergy in energy: Sarawak Premier affirms PETRONAS partnership amid baseless allegations

Abang Johari (third right) trying out the electrolyser during the launch of the Sarawak Electrolyser Assembly-Distribution Facility (SEA-DF) at Demak Laut Industrial Park on June 6, 2024.

By Lian Cheng and Karen Bong

KUCHING, June 6: Refuting the allegations that Sarawak is seizing the oil and gas business of PETRONAS (Petroliam National Berhad), Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg stresses that PETRONAS and Sarawak Petroleum Berhad (Petros) are working as partners in the industry.

During the launch of the Sarawak Electrolyser Assembly-Distribution Facility (SEA-DF) at Demak Laut Industrial Park, Abang Johari underscored this collaboration, highlighting it as evidence of the joint efforts between the national oil company and Sarawak.


He addressed the misconceptions circulating primarily in Peninsular Malaysia, emphasising that Sarawak is not aiming to take over PETRONAS’ business. Instead, both entities operate within the legal framework defined by Sarawak’s laws.

“This (SEA-DF facility) reflects the collaboration of PETRONAS and Sarawak. You know,a lot of write-ups in Peninsular Malaysia say that Sarawak is grabbing the business of PETRONAS. We are not.

“PETRONAS and Petros are partners in the oil and gas industry. But of course, when I do my part in oil and gas, I look also at the rights that we have in our laws. We have to operate within the legal parameter of our laws.

“And PETRONAS understands this, and we also understand, but ‘outside people’ wants to kipas kipas (fan the flames of hate), so that PETRONAS cannot work with Petros.

“I can assure you that PETRONAS is a partner is Petros. PETRONAS is a partner to Sarawak. And today, this facility is the result of the collaboration between PETRONAS and SEDC energy,” said Abang Johari.

He acknowledged that such a collaboration is for the benefit of both sides, where Sarawakians are professionally trained, as proven by the eight Sarawakians engaged to work in the facility.

He believed that these eight can be groomed to be engineers and later be sent for further exposure in other international companies to learn more about hydrogen production. — DayakDaily
