S’wak must upgrade its economy to create more job opportunities to match its peoples’ skills, level of education

Sarawakian students and leaders in a group photo with Abang Johari at the Lan Berambeh Anak Sarawak 2022 event in Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

By Nancy Nais

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15: Sarawak must explore and upgrade its economy to create more job opportunities that match its people’s skills and level of education.

Speaking at the Lan Berambeh Anak Sarawak 2022 townhall session with some 6,000 Sarawakians at the Malaysia International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC) today, Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said this is one way to have Sarawakians who are experts in certain fields not to seek employment elsewhere.


“I have discussed with the experts, and we have decided that it is a must to upgrade our economy. This is to match with the training received by our students.

“Currently, our economic situation in Sarawak is not high as we rely only on resources. So instead, we must add value to our resources that require certain skills,” Abang Johari said.

He acknowledged that Sarawakians are working outside the state because there is no suitable job for the field and training they have acquired.

However, to upgrade the state’s economy, he firmly held that Sarawak needed to find new ways, including the digital economy.

“That is why we have the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS). It is a long-term realignment plan that focuses on the state’s overall socioeconomic development through the equitable distribution of wealth via jobs and the creation of business opportunities.

“With a definite, clear direction and the number of resources we have, foreign investors will come, and they will have jobs that are suitable with what our students have studied,” he added. — DayakDaily
