S’wak Cultural Village to complete renovation within 10 days ahead of Rainforest World Music Festival

Renovation works ongoing at Sarawak Cultural Village (SCV) in preparation for Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF). Photo taken on June 7, 2024.

By Shikin Louis

KUCHING, June 7: Sarawak Cultural Village (SCV) is expected to complete its renovation works within ten days ahead of the 27th Rainforest World Music Festival (RMWF), which will take place from June 28 to 30.

Sarawak Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah said the contractors are working day and night to finish the renovation works.


ā€œAlthough left with only about 20 days until the event, the contractors have given their word that they will finish up the works within these ten days,ā€ he said during a walkabout visit to Sarawak Cultural Village (SCV) here in preparation for Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) today.

Among the upgraded facilities are the two-storey space for VIPs, an improved zone for the concert technician crew, and the installation of new cubicles for performers behind the stage.

Abdul Karim (right) listens to a briefing by Jane Lian (3rd right) while others look on during a walkabout visit to Sarawak Cultural Village (SCV) on June 7, 2024.

Abdul Karim further commended the widening of VIP spaces, considering that this yearā€™s concert would see the presence of many ā€˜VVIPsā€™.

However, he refused to reveal the names of the VVIPs over security concerns.

ā€œThis goes to show that RWMF is being recognised domestically and internationally and that other leaders from other States and foreign royalties are joining us this year.

ā€œApart from that, maybe the selection of performers this year is very good, and this has attracted the attention of the VVIPs to come to RWMF,ā€ he added.

Also present were Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) chairman Dato Dennis Ngau, STB chief executive officer (CEO) Sharzede Salleh Askor, SCV general manager Jane Lian Labang and Hemisphere Corporation Sdn Bhd CEO Mark Ferguson. ā€” DayakDaily
