Suspected peeping tom arrested for insulting woman’s modesty

Arrest - file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

SIBU, Jan 27: A 45-year man has been apprehended for allegedly peeping at a woman taking a bath on Tuesday (Jan 25).

Acting Sibu district police chief, Supt Dr Collin Babat said at about 7.30am, the woman who works as a coffeeshop waitress was taking a bath at her home in Rejang Park when she suddenly saw a man peeing from behind the ventilation fan.

“She quickly ran out and called for her mother. However they could not catch the suspect,” he said.


The woman then lodged a police report.

This led to the arrest of the jobless suspect who is staying two houses away from the victim.

Collin added that the police seized two phones from the suspect, one of which had a video clip of the complainant’s mother taking a bath.

“The suspect used to ‘disturb’ the woman. He also has a previous police record for drug abuse,” said Collin.

The case is being investigated under Section 292 for possessing obscene material and Section 509 of the Penal Code for insulting the modesty of a woman. — DayakDaily
