Supplementary Supply (2023) Bill, 2024 seeks approval for extra RM17mln in devt expenditure passed in DUS

Uggah tabling the Supplementary Bill (2023) Bill, 2024 in DUS on May 9, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, May 9: The Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUS) today passed the Supplementary Bill (2023) Bill, 2024 tabled by Deputy Premier-cum-Second Minister for Finance and New Economy, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

The Bill’s Second Supplementary Estimates of Development Expenditure, 2023 sought approval for an additional expenditure of RM17,400,520 to meet the operating costs of 44 Sub-Activities and 51 Sub-sub Activities under various ministries and departments.


Development of Transport Sector took up the bulk of the additional expenditure which is RM15,000,010 while Rural Development incurred an expense of RM2,400,000.

Other expenditures included RM100 for Land Infrastructure; RM60 each for Government Buildings and Public Finance; RM50 each for Land Compensation and Residential Expansion; RM40 each for Riverine Infrastructure, Planning and Development; RM30 each for Public Buildings; RM20 each for Local Authorities, Natural and Cultural Heritage, Forestry, and Social Development; RM10 each for Public Utilities, Urban Development, Drainage and Irrigation, Tourism, and Crop Agriculture.

Meanwhile, the Bill’s Second Supplementary Estimates of Ordinary Expenditure, 2023 also sought approval for an additional expenditure of RM267,928,353 to meet the cost of various services incurred by various ministries and departments for which funds were not provided for in the 2023 Estimates. — DayakDaily
