SUPP Youth takes police to task over crime in Kuching

Foo showing the photos of CCTV footage of the arson cases.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Feb 7: SUPP Youth secretary-general Milton Foo is not satisfied with police performance to reduce crime and improve public safety in the state capital.

Calling for real and serious action from the authorities to strengthen security, he expressed concern over the several cases of arson, vandalism, break-ins and drug peddling reported in various neighbourhood across the city.


“I have received eight police reports involving places like Jalan Ong Kee Hui, Taman Everbright, Taman Kenny Height, Taman Dayak (BDC), Pending Industrial Estate, as well as Jalan Foochow,” he told a press conference at SUPP headquarters here today.

Showing photos of CCTV footage of the cases, where police reports have been lodged by respective victims, he said there were four cases of arson in a period of one month, apart from break-ins at hardware stores, as well as drug peddling in broad daylight.

“Details have been given to police for investigation but unfortunately, victims were made to understand that the police have yet to get anyone.

“Fortunately, the arson cases only caused damage to properties including premises and cars but no harm, physical injury or death resulted,” he continued.

Some of the photos of CCTV footage of the various crime cases happened around Kuching, where police reports have been lodged.

Foo, who is a lawyer, warned that arson is a very serious criminal offence and Section 436 of the Penal Code provides that whoever commits mischief of fire, or any explosive substance, could face a maximum 20 years’ imprisonment, and liable to fine, if convicted.

“Is Kuching still a safe place? People fear for their lives and that of their kids, parents and loved ones,” he said.

Foo called on the police to take serious actions, as well as conduct thorough investigations into all the cases and strengthen patrolling at crime prone areas.

“I will also be arranging a dialogue with Kuching police chief ACP Awang Din Awang Gani to discuss on this matter.

“Lack of manpower is not an acceptable excuse because people’s safety should be priority and their lives and properties are at stake,” he said.

He also urged Members of Parliament (MPs) including Bandar Kuching lawmaker Dr Kelvin Yii to raise this issue in Parliament and demand allocation for more police personnel in Kuching, in view of the growing threat of crime.

“I am more than happy to provide him (Dr Yii) with all information regarding the cases. We want to safeguard the public and we can do it hand in hand because this is a very serious problem,” he said. — DayakDaily
