SUPP Youth call on DAP to focus on serving the people during Covid-19

Milton Foo

KUCHING, May 21: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) youth called on Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak not to play politics at this time when the nation is fighting against the coronavirus.

SUPP youth secretary-general Milton Foo said people were suffering and this should not be the time to stir up sentiments against the ruling coalition of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

“Leaders of Sarawak DAP, YB Chong Chieng Jen in particular, are urged not to play politics during this difficult time of pandemic but focus on the people’s hardship and needs amid Covid-19 outbreak in Sarawak.


“People are suffering, businesses are struggling, front-liners are fighting relentlessly, yet DAP are busy playing politics by stirring hatred and sentiments against GPS with all kinds of tricks to destruct all the efforts done for the people by the GPS government,” said Foo in a statement today.

He believed that Chong who is also Kota Sentosa assemblyman, as well as Stampin MP, should put aside political differences as politics were currently of the least concern to the general populace.

“Put your political difference aside. PH (Pakatan Harapan) or PN (Perikatan Nasional) is no longer a topic of interest or concern of the people of Sarawak now. What matters is how the government of the day comes up with a cohesive plan to save lives and recover the economy.

“It is time for DAP YBs to be on the ground to serve the people by spending their time and efforts in assisting the deserving groups such as B40 and unlicensed hawkers to apply and make sure they (the latter) could benefit from the BPN (federal government financial package – Bantuan Prihatin Nasional) or BKSS (Sarawak financial package – Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang) to overcome the hardest time,” said Foo.

On Tuesday, in a press statement, Chong lambasted GPS for supporting the PN coalition which had allowed PAS to be part of the federal government.—DayakDaily
