SUPP to Internet users: Gay sex clip ‘evil’, delete it

Michael Tiang

KUCHING, June 13: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Central Youth is urging the public to delete and stop viraling the sex video clips targeting a minister so as not to allow evil to take root from the situation.

Its chief, Michael Tiang, said this in condemning the slander to assassinate a person’s dignity and reputation, perhaps with the intention to gain political mileage from it.

“It is shocking indeed that Malaysian politics has stooped so low to the extent of using an unethical tactic like a sex scandal to ‘kill’ off a person from his political career,” he said in a press statement today.


“What is more scary and shocking is that a federal minister is not spared of such sordid motive, and what more to say of ordinary people.”

Tiang expressed fear that it would influence copycats to carry out such acts in the crucial period leading to the state election.

“I hope such ‘sickness’ will not spread to us, Sarawakians. This is gutter politics, and we should stay away from it.

“We must keep a sane mind and keep our focus on Sarawak and Sarawakians. We do not want to be mocked and laughed at by the rest of the world. There are more pressing issues at hand and we should not be distracted by this,” he said.

Whether the video clip is genuine or not, Tiang pointed out that those who circulated the videos had not only indirectly helped to destroy a person’s character and dignity beyond repair but also hurt the family members of those implicated.

“Have you not think and put yourself in their shoes? If it happened to people close to you, would you do the same and be an accomplice to an act to smear someone?” he asked.

Tiang, thus, called on fellow Sarawakians to stay focus in defending Sarawak’s rights and its sovereignty without being swindled, distracted or compromised by all kinds of filthy and malicious political propaganda coming from the Peninsula. — DayakDaily
