SUPP sec-gen urges political stability, cautions against drastic changes

Datuk Sebastian Ting

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, May 25: Maintaining stability and avoiding controversial or drastic changes that could disrupt the current order is paramount in politics, says Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) secretary general Datuk Sebastian Ting.

In supporting Parti Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) vice president Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah’s recent statement, Ting said, it is SUPP’s contention that political stability must also be nurtured for it is essential for a functioning society, and significant changes or challenges to the status quo can lead to uncertainty and conflict.


According to him, in that context, Abdul Karim’s warning to Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) president Dato Sri Tiong King Sing that “your party (PDP) might even be completely wiped out, if you are not careful” is also timely.

“The PBB leader has said that ‘If you want to open up, then you must be sure whether you can sustain in your own area.'”

“SUPP sincerely believes that it is vital for all Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) component parties to avoid bringing up irrelevant, negative issues bordering on narrow, self-serving interests that could sow discomfort and discord among us,” he said in a statement today.

On May 23, Tiong said that there is no such thing as a party legacy seat in the current political era and the decision to distribute seats for political parties lies in the hands of the people.

Ting opined that Abdul Karim’s take on the issue of “no more traditional seats” brought up by Tiong is most sensible and logical and should be supported by all in GPS and its allies.

He said it has always been the collective decision of Barisan Nasional, and now GPS, leaders to field winnable candidates from the respective components in every election, in their traditional seats.

“Hence, Abdul Karim’s word of caution to not rock the boat should be heeded by all,” he added. — DayakDaily
