SUPP proposes temporary halt, long-term plan for relocating durian vendors in Padungan

SUPP Kuching branch. Photo credit: SUPP Kuching Branch/Facebook

KUCHING, May 15: The Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Kuching branch has called for the Kuching South City Council (MBKS) to temporarily halt the relocation of durian vendors from the Padungan Seasonal Fruit Market.

The branch emphasises the need for a long-term approach and effective consultations to find a solution that benefits all stakeholders.

According to a press statement, the SUPP Kuching branch stated that durian vendors are concerned that MBKS has suggested relocating them to Tabuan Jaya, believing that the new location, which is far from the tourist-heavy Padungan CBD, will have a negative impact on their business, especially during this economically challenging period.


“Kuching Branch argues that MBKS has not clarified any concrete plans for the area once the vendors are relocated, nor has it provided a timeline for the implementation of such plans.

“Over the past decade, the durian vendors have established Sarawak’s first renowned Musang King durian stall, attracting numerous tourists and contributing to Kuching’s tourism industry.

“Therefore, the government should consider setting up more Musang King durian stalls across Sarawak, aligning with the Ministry of Agriculture’s promotion of Musang King cultivation,” it said.

Furthermore, the SUPP Kuching branch highlighted that the durian stalls at Padungan were initially approved by MBKS, with vendors operating there for over a decade and consistently paying rent, fostering a cooperative relationship.

“They (SUPP Kuching branch) believe MBKS should adopt the people-friendly approach of former Mayor Datuk Song Swee Guan, ensuring proper arrangements for the vendors,” it added.

SUPP Kuching branch went on to say that the durian vendors at the end of Jalan Padungan had contacted them for assistance in requesting a temporary suspension of their relocation from MBKS.

“Kuching Branch understands that on Dec 5, 2023, MBKS issued a notice to the seasonal fruit market vendors in Padungan, instructing them to dismantle their shade tents within 14 days.

“According to MBKS mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng, the vendors were affecting the city’s cleanliness and aesthetics, and there were also public complaints about insufficient parking spaces in the area.

“On May 10, 2024, MBKS enforcement officers attempted to dismantle the shade tents but were stopped by the vendors. The officers did not proceed with the removal at that time,” read the press statement. — DayakDaily
