SUPP Pending Branch vice chairman advocates unity over internal power struggles for effective governance

Dr Sim (front row, centre) and other dignitaries and officials cut the cake at the SUPP Pending Branch 40th Anniversary Dinner held at a local restaurant in Kuching on June 4, 2024. Also seen are Wee (front row, third right) and Tan Kai (front row, fourth left).

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, June 5: Kuching South City Council (MBKS) mayor-cum-Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Pending Branch vice chairman, Dato Wee Hong Seng, has emphasised that only by avoiding meaningless internal power struggles can more energy and time be spent on truly serving the people and society.

Wee stated that SUPP is now in its 65th year and highlighted the importance of unity in an organisation, particularly during this critical phase of nation-building in Sarawak.


“It is imperative that we foster greater unity, mutual trust, and a sense of belonging.

“By doing so, we can enhance the effectiveness of political participation and serve the best interests of the Sarawak people.

“Conversely, internal divisions can give rise to suspicion and inefficiency, thereby hindering overall performance,” he said in his speech at the SUPP Pending Branch 40th Anniversary Dinner, which was held last night (June 4) at a local restaurant here.

Wee continued: “As mayor, I must effectively allocate limited social resources, prioritise serving the people, fulfil the expectations and mandates of the 40th anniversary of the Pending Branch of SUPP, and support the party in implementing its people-centric priorities.”

He also praised the party’s leaders for their diligent and visionary leadership, stating that their unwavering commitment to the party’s progress is truly admirable, and urging everyone to continue to support them.

“As our party’s slogan, ‘Sa’ati – Unite,’ suggests, it is through unity that we can achieve our goals and overcome challenges. Looking back on our journey, it is evident that our solidarity has been instrumental in overcoming obstacles.

“Whenever we encounter challenges, we adhere to clear principles and positions, maintaining steadfastness in the face of difficulties. Even if we occasionally hold differing viewpoints, as long as we uphold camaraderie, we can accumulate poles to communicate and negotiate, ultimately finding a solution,” he added.

Wee also urged all party members to remember the party’s overall interests and not jeopardise the situation over trivial matters.

The event was attended by various dignitaries and officials, including Sarawak Deputy Premier-cum-SUPP party president and Pending Branch chairman, Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian, and Padawan Municipal Council (MPP) chairman-cum-SUPP Pending Branch deputy chairman, Tan Kai. — DayakDaily
