SUPP Kuching to compile food aid recipients in Padungan

Jong Yean Pin

By Nur Ashikin Louis

KUCHING, June 5: The Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Kuching Branch will help compile the recipients of the Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang (BKSS 6.0) food aid programme in Padungan constituency.

SUPP Kuching Branch treasurer Jong Yean Pin said the branch’s organising system is divided into 13 areas throughout the Padungan constituency with each area being assigned to one community leader to look after.


“As such, we will continue to compile the list to include as many eligible recipients as possible,” he said in a statement today.

Jong believed that because of the high mobility of people in the urban area, people who once lived in town area of Padungan have moved out.

“Therefore, many of them can no longer be contacted. Likewise, many parents have moved out from Padungan to live with their children in other areas. Nevertheless, they may still contact us if they need food aid during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period,” he explained.

The food aid programme was one of the State government’s initiatives under BKSS 6.0 to ease the burden of households amidst the implementation of MCO statewide from May 29 until June 14.

Food baskets will be allocated to each State constituency through different channels, which is basically similar to the previous year.

“Because of the sudden outbreak last year, it might not have been well organised for the delivery of the food baskets to the needy people.

“This year, we will improve our ways in terms of food baskets distribution in order to ensure those who are in need of food aid in Padungan constituency will be able to receive assistance in a timely manner,” he added.

Those seeking for food aid can contact SUPP Kuching Branch (0162494633), Bong Lian Huan (0128978181), and Jong Yean Pin (0168864855). — DayakDaily
