SUPP has no money to compete with DAP in cyber war, says Dr Sim

SUPP candidate for Stampin Dr Sim (second from right) and other party leaders at the press conference.

KUCHING, April 30: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) candidate for Stampin Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian said the party is not a “tycoon party” and cannot afford the luxury of hiring cyber troopers to compete in a cyber war like his opponent.

“On the cyber front, we always lose out because SUPP does not have the kind of money like DAP (Democratic Action Party),” he told a press conference today.

He charged that DAP, Penang state government and Selangor state government had spent a lot of money to hire some 2,500 cyber troopers, quoting a national research publication.


In a slideshow, Sim claimed that 50 per cent of news portals are pro-Pakatan, 30 per cent are neutral and 20 per cent are pro-Barisan Nasional.

He alledged that the majority of popular websites are all “red colour” as they are funded by DAP, compared to his own personal Facebook Page, which he normally updates himself in the wee hours up until a day before nomination day.

“I was just too tired and I asked my staff to help me as I cannot afford (to hire cybertroopers). If you follow my FB, I post very late like 1am or 4am because that’s the only time I am free,” said the SUPP president who is also Batu Kawah state assemblyman.

“People like me cannot afford to spend that kind of money,” he reiterated.

The well-known cardiologist turned politician urged all Sarawakians to help him and to help Sarawak, to share truth to counter fake news circulated online.

“Winning or losing (Stampin) depends on cyber (the cyber war) because handphone is the ‘taiko’ (big brother) nowadays,” he said, adding that he would list out all the dirty tactics used by the opposition on his FB page soon.

One of the example of dirty tactics, he said, is the allegation that SUPP handed out RM100 each to supporters who turned up at the Bandar Kuching nomination centre at Padawan Municipal Council on Saturday, which is false.

Sim also stressed that his team appreciated the talent of Sarawakians, including those who are currently residing outside of Sarawak.

The cartoon artwork featuring SUPP candidate for Bandar Kuching Kho Tech Wan is also the work of local talent, he said. — DayakDaily
