SUPP Dudong endorses chairman as party candidate for 12th state polls

SUPP Dudong members expressing their support for Wong (front, eighth left).

SIBU, Jan 27: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Dudong has endorsed its chairman Wong Ching Yong as the party candidate to contest in Dudong come the 12th state election due in 2021.

Its election operations room chief, Kelvin Kong Sien Chiu, made the announcement at SUPP Dudong Chinese New Year Open House here today.

“SUPP must contest in the Dudong state seat in the 12th state election and win the seat. Our stand is to contest and we must be confident in winning the seat,” Kong, who is also the branch deputy chairman, told a press conference.


SUPP Dudong advisor Datuk Dr Soon Choon Teck and secretary Kong Sing Ping were present.

Wong addressing the reporters. With him are Kong (left) and Dr Soon.

According to Kong, the party has been preparing for the state election since 2018, following GE14.

“What important is that we should be eager to recapture this Dudong state seat.

“With the early preparations made and promoting Wong to the constituents, I am confident that we can rise again and serve the people in Dudong,” he said.

With party veteran Dr Soon as party advisor, Kong expressed confident that his experience will help members, especially Wong, to serve the Sibu public better.

Meanwhile, Wong said the Dudong state seat traditionally belonged to SUPP, citing Kong Chung Siao as the first Dudong assemblyman, followed by Jawan Empaling, Wilfred Kiroh, Dr Soon and current elected representative Datuk Tiong Thai King, who has left the party and now with Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB).

“This is history and it is beyond dispute that the Dudong seat belongs to SUPP,” he added.

He described the coming state poll as not an ordinary election, as this time it would see multiple candidates from from the state and Peninsular Malaysia parties.

“We must use the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) platform to defend our rights and hope the people of Sarawak can give us strong support,” he continued.

Wong said SUPP Dudong rejects the direct candidate for GPS in the next state election, if the formula were to be used under the Barisan Nasional (BN) era under the leadership of former chief minister, the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem. — DayakDaily
