Sukma 2024 mascots Satria, Satrina distribute tickets at Plaza Merdeka today, more ticket giveaways soon

Satria (fourth right) and Satrina in a group photo with others at Plaza Merdeka on July 14, 2024. Photo credit: Ukas

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, July 14: Malaysia Games (Sukma) mascots, Satria and Satrina, have distributed tickets to the official opening of the sports event, to members of the public at Plaza Merdeka shopping mall here today.

According to a report by Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas), the official opening of Sukma 2024 will take place at Sarawak Stadium, Petra Jaya on August 17.


The two mascots visited Plaza Merdeka for a meet-and-greet session that started at 12pm today, in ushering the spirit of sportsmanship ahead of the anticipated sports event.

Additionally, photo opportunities were available for anyone interested in taking pictures with the mascots.

A future meet-and-greet with the mascots and ticket giveaways will soon be held at other shopping malls.

In a separate report by Ukas earlier today, Deputy Sarawak Secretary (Operations) and Sukma 2024 Chief Executive Officer Datu Hii Chang Kee said that the mechanism for the public to get tickets will be announced soon.

He said he will need to present the matter to the Sukma 2024 Main Committee first for approval.

The Sukma 2024 opening ceremony will be able to cater for 30,000 people with 10,000 more allocated for athletes and notable guests.

He also said the event will be broadcast live at Celebration Square in Petra Jaya by RTM, TVS and Ukas.

Entrance tickets to Sarawak Stadium in conjunction with Sukma 2024 will not be sold but instead will be given free to the public. — DayakDaily
