By DayakDaily Team
KUCHING, Aug 15: Dato Mohd Noorazam Datuk Osman, mayor of Johor Bahru and Deputy Chief of the Johor Contingent has expressed high praise for the hospitality and preparations in Miri during his visit to the XXI Sarawak 2024 Malaysian Games (Sukma) venue in the Miri cluster earlier today.
According to a Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) news report, upon arrival, Noorazam said, “The preparations in Miri are exemplary, and the hospitality is exceptional, creating a positive atmosphere.
“The community’s efforts, especially the morning gotong-royong (community work), have been instrumental in ensuring we are well-prepared for the event on the 19th of this month.”
The visit included a review of key sports events: sailing at Marina Bay, silat at Miri City Stadium, rugby at Miri Stadium, softball and karate at the Institute of Youth Skills (IKBN) Miri, and fencing at Eastwood Valley Golf and Country Club in Miri. — DayakDaily