Stuck in Mumbai: More Sarawakians stranded abroad

Larry Sng

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, June 4: Apart from Lagos, Nigeria, there are more than 20 Ibans working in the oil and gas sector stranded in Mumbai.

“Over the last couple of days, I have received information from Sarawakians stranded in Lagos and Mumbai. I hope Wisma Putra will take immediate action to bring them home safely,” Sng told DayakDaily.


Currently, there are at least 10 Ibans stranded in Lagos, Nigeria namely Christhy Tinggie, Ambun Abong, Christopherrentap Belayong, Juing Segoh, Henry Bngat, Mino Iri, Danial Impoi, Nyawai Iga, Fabian Unggang Pandang and Kawit Ajang.

One of them, Unggang, is a longhouse chief from Julau.

“There are people in Nigeria who called me. They are from Julau,” said Sng.

Sng said those who have been stranded in Lagos for months are willing to pay for their own flight tickets but the airport is under lockdown and only Wisma Putra can help to resolve this problem.

For the Mumbai case, there are at least 23 Malaysians.

In images of documents made available to DayakDaily, it is stated that Consulate General of Malaysia Mumbai, India had requested for the facilitation of these Malaysians to return to Malaysia.

The letter stated that these Malaysians had completed an offshore project off the coast of Mumbai and had disembarked at Mumbai Port (Yellow Gate) from May 18 to 21 to be transferred to Mumbai, until they found the earliest flight back to Malaysia.

In a list made available to DayakDaily, there are 31 Malaysians, a majority of them Dayaks. Out of the 31 names, only 23 names were highlighted.

Among the names on the list are Jonathan Demang, Ambas Semadak, Christopher James, Collis Fennabby Anak Nam Siew, Daneh Hayang and Umpi Chabo.

According to another document, Umpi Chabo was allowed to return to Malaysia within the period of one month from June 5, 2020.

“I will work closely with Wisma Putra. Unfortunately due to the lockdown in some countries I am unable to make the journey to meet those who are stranded.

“All the Malaysian there were not able to celebrate Raya and Gawai with their loved ones back home. That is a real shame,” said Sng.—DayakDaily

Documents showing the names of Malaysians who are still stranded in Mumbai.
Documents showing the names of Malaysians who are still stranded in Mumbai.