Stay vigilant, don’t be influenced by negative elements — Baru


KUCHING, Feb 3: The rakyat must always stay vigilant against negative elements who are trying their best to destabilise the government and sow discord, said Works Minister Baru Bian.

“We must be wise and work even harder to build a stronger, healthier and prosperous Sarawak and Malaysia,” he said in his Chinese New Year 2019 message.

The state Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chairman said after May 9, 2018, an unusual political situation had arisen, with the state government being in the opposition at the federal level.


“Nevertheless, the federal government will continue to co-operate with the state government for the advancement of Sarawakians, as there is a lot of work still to be done.

“At the same time, we must carry on with the message of change for the better. Through hard work and proof by example, the message will surely spread steadily throughout our beloved Sarawak.

“The momentum of change is unstoppable, and we will give our efforts a turbo boost this year as we move towards a brand new astrological cycle in 2020,” said the Selangau MP cum Ba’ Kelalan assemblyman.

On the Pakatan Harapan government, Baru admitted that the report card on the new federal government had been mixed so far, “but that is to be expected as we try to find the best way forward.

“This year, the Year of the Pig will surely bring more challenges as the new government continues to make much-needed improvements to the administration of the country.”

Baru revealed that his ‘harapan’ (or hope) had always been and remains the same, which is to see Malaysia’s diverse society be united and choose a united Malaysia.

“I have taken this journey of hope and determination from my birthplace of Long Luping, Lawas, to where I am now,” he said.

The coming Chinese New Year will be celebrated with two days of public holidays, and it has been said that Malaysia has the most public holidays in the world.

“This again is a reflection of the uniqueness of our nation, where the people of different races and religions observe their own significant religious events and cultural traditions,” he said.

Baru urged everyone to continue with the practice of visiting each other and celebrating with their friends and neighbours during these joyous occasions.

“Some of the positive aspects of the pig’s personality are its honesty, trustworthiness, sincerity, bravery, intelligence and friendliness. Let us aspire to display these traits as we work together in this task of nation-building and fostering unity among the people of this country,” he said. — DayakDaily
