State govt will not rip off landowners — Awang Tengah

Awang Tengah (seated centre) and landowners giving their thumbs-up after the cheque presentation ceremony.

KUCHING, Feb 14: Landowners will not be short-changed by the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government when it comes to land acquisition for development projects.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan gave assurance that the affected landowners would be compensated fairly and according to current market value.

“We are thankful to the people who understand development needs that require the government to acquire and provide compensation for their land,” he said after presenting cheques worth over RM3 million to landowners at the Betong Resident’s Office today.


A total of 143 landowners received their compensation for a road project benefiting Ijok, Lempaong, Batu Pesok, Rantau Layang and Perdu Spak in Betong.

With the changing political scenario after GE14 in 2018, Awang Tengah said the state government had to take over several development projects that were previously approved by the federal government.

“Nobody will be left behind under the GPS government. Sarawakians will determine the fate of Sarawak,” he assured.

Assistant Minister for Industries and Investment Malcolm Mussen Lamoh and Betong Resident Friday Belik were among those present at the event. — DayakDaily
