SS: Continuous training helps organisations stay current in face of global challenges

Jaul (second left) presented a certificate to a participant of the course. Also seen was Dr. Lulie (left).

KUCHING, Feb 21: Courses and trainings are imperative to ensure that an organisation will remain relevant in facing global challenges, State Secretary Datuk Amar Jaul Samion said.

He stated that organisations should conduct courses and trainings from time to time to increase the knowledge and skills of their staff.

For example, he observed the course that Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (TROPI) had done which focused on five principals such as personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning and system thinking was in the right direction to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants.


Speaking at the closing of a five-day course on “Personal Mastery & Tram Effectiveness Programme” held at the institute near here, Jaul called on the participants to apply whatever knowledge and skills they had gained from the course in their daily tasks and to ensure that their organisation would be in the best position to serve the people better.

“That’s what you are doing here, it’s about practicing what you learnt and to apply it to your job,” he said.

Jaul added mastering knowledge was not enough as knowledge must be combined with the skill to drive their organizations ahead.

He said changes taking place in the environment had brought about major challenges to all organisations and this needed their structures and systems to be reviewed from time to time to enable them to remain relevant and dynamic.

Some organisations, he added, had failed in their missions and visions because size alone was not good enough.

He noted for an organisation to remain sustainable over the long term, it has to be complimented with good process and system.

Meanwhile, the state secretary also expressed his gratitude to TROPI on its many accolades at the state, national and international levels achieved over the years.

“I am happy to see that TROPI has grown in terms of capability and in terms of achievements which involve global recognition,” he said.

In the meantime, the programme which started on February 17 saw 26 officers and support staff attending it.

Also present were TROPI’s director, Dr. Lulie Melling and her senior officers. —DayakDaily

Jaul (seated centre) and Dr. Lulie (seated fifth left) together with participants and trainers of the course having a photo session.