Special monetary incentive for Sarawak civil servants next month

Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg

KUCHING, Nov 17: Chief minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg announced a special incentive for 22,549 civil servants in Sarawak equivalent to one month’s basic salary or a minimum of RM2,000.

The special incentive payment totaling an estimated RM45 million will be made next month.

“Over the past years, the Sarawak civil service has performed extremely well despite its small workforce of only 22,549 (inclusive of local authorities and statutory bodies).”


The number of Sarawak civil servants has been contained for many years which reflects their efficiency despite the heavier responsibility and the rapid growth in workload in terms of projects and programmes over the years, he added.

He said the special incentive payment to all civil servants in the state civil service which would be made for the first time, was in recognition and appreciation of their dedicated service which has contributed to the progress and growth of the state.

He added that the special incentive payment is also in view of the commendable financial performance and healthy financial position of the state, which is attributed to their committed service, prudent spending and disciplined financial management.

“I trust that this special incentive payment will further motivate our civil service to continue with their excellent service delivery,” said Abang Johari. — Dayak Daily
