Spaoh to be a progressive town, says Uggah

Uggah (fourth from left), and to his left Chuat, and others stirring the 'bubur lambok' at Spaoh mosque.

SPAOH, May 21: The state government has big plans to develop the sub-district of Spaoh, and this includes a RM20 million bridge to replace its current single-carriage bridge.

In announcing this here yesterday, Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah said the architectural design for the proposed bridge was still being finalised, but it would be iconic.

“Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg had told me Spaoh needed a better and bigger bridge. This is because with the airport to be built here, it is important we have good facilities to cope with the expected increase in traffic.


“We have, after all, a very major agriculture development area — Bukit Sadok Agropolitan area — sited here. The new Second Coastal Road from Sri Aman will link up Spaoh, too,” said Uggah after breaking fast with the Muslim community at Spaoh mosque.

Uggah added that with the airport here, there would be plans for more economic activities in the sub-district.

“We are looking at commercial scale cultivation of durians, especially the Musang King variety, rambutans, pineapples, bananas and vegetables,” he said.

In this respect, he revealed that a plan was being hatched for an agro park to be set up here as well. Suitable sized plots in the agro park would be rented out to interested but landless agropreneurs.

Other major projects that had been approved here included a new market, a mini stadium and a waterfront beautification project, he said, adding that the state government is expected to spend about RM30 million on them.

Uggah, who is also the Minister of the Modernisation of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development, also said a model fertigation farm would soon be created at SMK Spaoh compound to introduce modern and hi-tech farming methods like fertigation to the people.

“We must modernise our agriculture sector. The new methods are not only more productive but less labour intensive as well,” he said.

At the function, he approved grants totalling RM50,000 to repair 10 village suraus and RM10,000 for the Spaoh mosque.

He also approved RM5,000 for the Kampung Pengan village development and security committee (JKKK).
Betong MP Datuk Robert Lawson Chuat, who was present, also approved a matching grant of RM60,000 to 10 surau and mosques.

Earlier, at a meet-the-people session at Rh Francis Nyangau in Penom near Betong, Uggah also announced development grants of RM593,000 plus RM355,000 to various Woman Bureaus for the about 100 longhouses in his Bukit Saban state constituency.

Chuat, similarly, announced a grant of RM285,000. — DayakDaily
