Snowdan: BKSS 5.0 initiatives can help drive the state economy

Datuk Snowdan Lawan

KUCHING, Jan 21: The “Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang” (BKSS) 5.0 announced by the Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg in the form of discount, exemption, deferment of payment and moratorium shows that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government cares about the people in the midst of this pandemic.

Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth Chief Datuk Snowdan Lawan, in a statement today said these people-centric initiatives that benefit in the form of discount for electricity, water, assessment bills for broad sector be they dwelling, commercial and industrial are meant to mitigate and lower down expenses and costs.

“Electricity and water subsidy will cost the government RM166.2 and RM31.5 million. Rental and land tax are also discounted at 50 per cent and 30% respectively.


“Exemptions are spread and cover the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) renting government-link companies (GLC) premises, trade licensing and permit to ease business flow as well for hoteliers and homestay operators,” he said.

Snowdan said this in response to the RM405 million obligation borne by the state government to alleviate the people’s burden during this pandemic period which had caused much hardship to their livelihood along with flood occurrence in several places in the state.

Snowdan, who is also the Assistant Minister for Youth and Sports Sarawak, pointed out that to further ease cash flow amongst SMEs, the moratorium is provided until June 2021 for SPIKS ( Skim Pinjaman Industri Kecil & Sederhana).

He said the deferment of the land premium will also assist large scale and commercial farming temporary cost deployment.

“These are noble government initiatives to drive our economy forward. It is hoped that these enablers will stimulate economic activities and not make us totally dependent on aids,” he added. -DayakDaily
