SK Orang Kaya Muda Pakeri declared unsafe, temporary building sought

Abdullah during a visit to SK Orang Kaya Muda Pakeri, Paloh which has been declared unsafe for use. Photo credit: Ukas

TANJUNG MANIS, Oct 21: A temporary building needs to be built immediately to accommodate over 200 students and teaching staff of SK Orang Kaya Muda Pakeri, Paloh after it was declared unsafe for use by the Forensic Unit of the Sarawak Education Department.

Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Premier’s Department (Corporate Affairs and Ukas) Datuk Abdullah Saidol emphasised the immediate necessity of this action to safeguard the students’ well-being while ensuring their educational progress remains uninterrupted.

In a news report by Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas), the Semop assemblyman hopes that Tanjong Manis MP Ir Yusuf Abdul Wahab can facilitate the speedy allocation of funds that would not only enable the construction of a temporary structure but also support the demolition of the entire school complex for the construction of a new one.


“The structural issues were first detected six or seven years ago, and complaints have been made for a long time; yet remedial action has only recently been initiated.

“This situation certainly disappoints the community here, namely Kampung Paloh, Kampung Kedang, and Kampung Berangan which is home to six longhouses.

“The settlements are located in remote areas, without proper road access to get here or other schools nearby. This is the only school for all Paloh, Kedang, and Berangan children,” he said after visiting the school yesterday (Oct 20).

Abdullah (left) inspecting the condition of SK Orang Kaya Muda Pakeri, Paloh on Oct 20, 2023. Photo credit: Ukas

Following the forensic report, Abdullah expressed his disappointment that students residing in the school’s dormitory were compelled to return home, as the dormitory had to be repurposed as makeshift classrooms.

He further urged the Sarawak Education Department, the Federal Ministry of Education, and all relevant stakeholders to maintain constant vigilance over not only these dilapidated schools but also to take immediate actions to safeguard the children’s education.

He stressed that this situation should not be treated lightly, because it may also involve other schools throughout Sarawak.

Abdullah emphasised that if the Federal government is genuinely committed to fostering the Malaysia Madani vision, it should commence by investing in top-notch school facilities and fostering an environment conducive to nurturing quality Malaysian citizens.

“Don’t be overly preoccupied with short-term initiatives geared toward garnering political favour, at the expense of such crucial long-term investments,” he added. — DayakDaily
