Sim hopes Sivanesan will reconsider resignation from SUPP

Datuk Sim Kiang Chiok

KUCHING, Oct 3: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Stakan branch chief Sim Kiang Chiok hopes that its Stakan branch secretary Sivanesan Sanmugalingam will reconsider his resignation from the party because “there are much battles to be fought”.

According to Sim, although the SUPP Stakan secretary has tendered his resignation letter and until the party holds its due processes to accept or decline his resignation, they hope that Siva will reconsider his decision.

“There are much battles to be fought to win the war. Our party needs all the help especially “Comrade Siva” who has the experience and sincerity to face the future challenge to assist our party and Sarawak to move forward,” he said in a press statement, today.


He noted, in the midst of Covid 19 pandemic, it’s time to consolidate and gather the party’s strength to “strategise” on improving the living standard and health of all Sarawakians.

“Rome is not built in one day, so consider this as a hurdle that we will go through successfully,” added Sim.

On Sept 30, Sivanesan submitted his resignation letter to party president Datuk Seri Dr Sim Kui Hian, relinquishing his position as Stakan secretary, and at the same time quitting his party membership of 27 years. –DayakDaily.
