Sibu no more perceived as a gangster town — Sibu police chief

Wong (left) handing over duties to Collin, as Stanley witnesses.

Editor’s note: Title amended to better reflect the contents of the report. Any misunderstanding is regretted.

By Wendy John

SIBU, Dec 30: Strict enforcement by the local police over the years has resulted in the town shedding its image as a “hotbed” for gangsterism activity.


Sibu district police chief, ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit said the police had ensured that the town is safe for the people.

“There is a slight increase in crime this year but we can still manage the situation. This is not like before when outsiders once considered Sibu as the hotbed for gangsterism activity,” he disclosed at a handing over ceremony here today.

Supt Collin Babat is taking over as the new deputy police chief, from Supt Wong Chee J Kiong who is retiring.

Stanley also said big crime syndicates not longer exist in the town.

“What we have now is only part-time thieves who steal for their survival,” he disclosed.

For 2020, he said the police is seeking continuous cooperation from the public to combat crime by tipping off the police on crime activity.

“For the new year, we want the town to remain peaceful. Please abide by the law. Do not just because of the poor economy, you have to resort to crime for your survival,” he said.

In welcoming Collin, Stanley hoped the new deputy police chief would use his vast experience in the force to help the local men and women in blue maintain peace and stability in the town.

Collin’s last post was at the Kuching police headquarters in the public administration unit.

Stanley also paid tribute to Wong for his contribution to the police force here. — DayakDaily
