Sibu Central Market hawkers warmly welcome Abang Johari

Abang Johari’s (left) willingness to receive a yam as a gift from a trader at Sibu Central Market brought a big smile to the latter's face.

SIBU, May 3: The hawkers of Sibu Central Market gave Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg a grand welcome when he visited the site yesterday.

He arrived at 10.48am where he was welcomed by a Lion Dance troope before going on a walkabout, sharing some close-ups and personal moments with some hawkers.

The chief minister who was in a jovial mood also bought some baby sweet corn where the hawker took the initiative to offer him a 30 per cent discount on the spot.

A hawker (right) asks for Abang Johari’s (second left) autograph.

Abang Johari was then attracted to some yam and after weighing, the lady hawker insisted that she would like to give it to Abang Johari as a gift which finally Abang Johari accepted.

He also tasted some “half moon”, a Sibu style Apam Balik, which is smaller and thinner than the regular type.

Abang Johari and his entourage then visited the second floor of the Central Market to enjoy some kampua mee, roti canai and other local food and delicacies.

Abang Johari (seated, third right) enjoys his visit to Sibu Central Market. Among those accompanying Abang Johari were Dr Annuar (first left), Andrew (standing, third left) and Kong (standing, first left).

Acknowledging that the Central Market with its 1,572 stall-holders, has become a tourist attraction for Sibu, Abang Johari announced the allocation of RM3 million for the upgrading of the market.

Among those accompanying Abang Johari were International Trade and E-commerce Minister Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh, Dudong assemblyman Datuk Tiong Thai King, Nangka assemblyman Dr Annuar Rapaee, BN Sibu candidate Datuk Andrew Wong Kee Yew and Lanang candidate Kelvin Kong. — DayakDaily
