SFC warns visitors against trespassing into Sampuant or Pueh Waterfall

DayakDaily.com file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, Oct 5: Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) has warned visitors against trespassing or encroaching into the Sampuant or Pueh Waterfall which is located within the Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary as it is a totally protected area.

SFC’s chief executive officer Zolkipli Mohamad Aton said its enforcement officers detected a group of people trespassing onto the Samunsam Wildlife Sanctuary area for activities such as four-wheel driving, trekking and picnicking.


Zolkipli, who is also the National Parks and Nature Reserves controller, stressed that those activities are prohibited and it is an offence.

“We will not tolerate any trespassing, hunting and encroachment into the totally protected areas.

“Our enforcement officers out there will take action against trespassers and those caught will be compounded or brought to court, if needed,” he said in a statement today.

According to the National Parks and Nature Reserves Ordinance, 1998, SFC said no entry is allowed to Totally Protected Areas (TPAs), including Wildlife Sanctuary without permission from the Controller. —DayakDaily
