SFC seizes more than 3,500 live animals, 4,206 illegal logs as of Sept 2021

Zolkipli delivering his speech in conjunction with SFCā€™s Integrity Day at BCCK today (Nov 1, 2021). Screenshot taken from a TVS livestream

KUCHING, Nov 1: Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) has seized more than 3,500 live animals and 4,206 illegal logs including mangrove poles in totally protected areas (TPAs) as of Sept 2021.

SFC chief executive officer (CEO) and Controller of Wildlife Zolkipli Mohamad Aton said the corporation has also seized 361 protected plants, 1,024kg of wildlife meat and 9,708 pieces of other wildlife parts as of Sept 2021.

ā€œApart from that, as of Aug 2021, members of the public have surrendered 222 wildlife to SFC.


ā€œWe have also released 909 wild animals into the wild. We also managed to sell 200kg of confiscated edible birdā€™s nest through tenders amounting to RM431,000.

ā€œI believe this is because of SFC’s unrelenting efforts in its campaign strategies through the Conservation, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) Programme,ā€ he said when giving his speech in conjunction with the launching of SFCā€™s inaugural Integrity Day at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) here today.

On legal action taken in 2020-2021, Zolkipli said there were 174 investigation papers opened, 18 cases prosecuted and 32 accused charged.

He added those guilty were fined a total of RM362,600 while there were 83 cases compounded a total of RM149,950.

On another note, Zolkipli said SFC is moving towards a fully digitalised system for biodiversity conservation, TPAs management and enforcement activities in Sarawak.

He also disclosed that its parks such as Semenggoh Wildlife Centre, Bako National Park, Kubah National Park, Gunung Gading National Park, Wind Cave and Fairy Cave Natural Reserve, licencing unit, visitor information centre for Kuching and Miri were using the S Pay Global as their digital payment system.

Among those present at SFCā€™s inaugural Integrity Day were Assistant Minister of Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment Datu Len Talif Salleh, Forest Department Sarawak director Datu Hamden Mohammad, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Sarawak director Mohd Zaki Hassan, SFC staff and invited guests. ā€” DayakDaily
