Sarawak’s green economy powerhouse vision rooted in PCDS 2030, says Abang Johari

Abang Johari delivers his his keynote address at the Australia-Asean Business Forum 2024 held at the International Conference Centre (ICC) in Sydney, Australia on Aug 29, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Aug 29: Sarawak’s journey to become a green economy powerhouse began with the Post Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030, according to Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Abang Johari stated that the PCDS 2030 has laid a solid foundation for a resilient and sustainable economy by balancing economic growth and environmental stewardship.


He went on to say that the PCDS 2030 emphasises the importance of a diverse economy powered by data, innovation, inclusivity, and sustainability, ensuring the State’s progress is both visionary and responsible.

“Sarawak stands at a critical juncture where we must decouple GDP growth from unsustainable energy and resource consumption.

“This shift will not happen on its own. It requires Sarawak to embrace green economy policies to drive this transition,” he said today at the Australia-Asean Business Forum 2024, titled ‘The Powerhouse Of Green Economy In Asean’, held at the International Conference Centre (ICC) in Sydney, Australia.

The Premier further noted that Sarawak’s Green Economy Policy focuses on three key objectives.

“Firstly, the environment. We will safeguard Sarawak’s unique biodiversity and natural resources with complete dedication. Rather than seeing nature as something to take from, perceive them as natural capital for us to invest for protection and conservation.

“Second, we aim to elevate the quality of life for every Sarawakian while honouring and preserving our rich indigenous cultures.

“And the economy. We are committed to fostering inclusive growth through sustainable resource use, ensuring that our economic growth does not lead to an overconsumption of resources and high GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions,” he explained.

He underlined that Sarawak’s Green Economy Policy is a transformative journey that combines policy, governance, and development to drive real change.

Furthermore, the Premier stated that Sarawak is at the forefront of the hydrogen economy in Asean.

He noted that Sarawak’s efforts in hydrogen demonstrate the State’s commitment to innovation and its vision of becoming a global leader in clean energy.

“Sarawak is a key player to Malaysia’s National Energy Transition Roadmap, developing a green hydrogen hub. This is possible due to our vast hydropower potential.

“This new and exciting economy opens up numerous opportunities for investment, from developing new technology like electrolysers and fuel cells to building energy storage systems and integrating use in the transport sectors.

“In my recent address at the H2Poland Forum in Poznan, I emphasised the critical importance of global collaboration, effective policies, and relentless innovation in building a sustainable future.”

Abang Johari remarked that he has highlighted how green bonds and international financing are essential for speeding up the adoption of advanced climate technologies, demonstrating that the financial tools are critical to making the State’s sustainable ambitions a reality.

“Sarawak is not just pursuing a sustainable energy and green economy; we are committed to achieving net zero emissions.

“We are making strong efforts to decarbonise high-emitting sectors, ensuring that our economic growth aligns with our responsibility to the environment.

“By investing in green hydrogen and clean energy, we are moving beyond traditional industries like oil, gas, and timber,” he added.

He continued: “My goal is clear: to boost economic productivity while reducing emissions.

“By embracing innovation and clean energy, we are working to ensure Sarawak builds a future that grows responsibly and serves as a model for others to follow.”

Furthermore, the Premier stated that Sarawak is making significant progress in Southeast Asia when it comes to carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) technology.

“We were also the first in Malaysia to pass laws that support CCUS and other carbon-related activities.

“This demonstrates our strong commitment to achieving our net zero emissions goal and sets a benchmark for others to follow,” he said. — DayakDaily
