Sarawakians stand to benefit if Sarawak goes solo — S4S leader

Erick Chin

KUCHING, Oct 20: With the enormous income from oil and gas, every single Sarawakian can, theoretically, receive a 200 per cent hike in their salary if the state regains full control over these resources.

In making this mouth-watering projection, Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) spokesperson Erick Chin argued that this was possible as the revenue from oil from Sarawak was estimated at RM40 billion last year.

“So, every Sarawakian must be ready and demand a referendum so that the people of Sarawak can decide on their future,” he told a press conference here yesterday.


He also urged the people to support S4S’ Sarexit peaceful gathering, tentatively to be held at Padang Merdeka this Nov 4.

Chin (right) speaking fielding questions from reporters.
S4S leaders at the press conference. Chin is seated fourth from right.

Chin said even if the gathering were to be stopped by the authorities, S4S members would telecast the event via smartphones.

“We have the technology to reach out to the rest of the world so that our voices will be heard by the international community.”

Chin reckoned the best deal for Sarawak would be self-governance by Sarawakians.

“S4S is for everyone who loves Sarawak and wants to see its rights restored since the current Pakatan Harapan (PH) government is Barisan Nasional (BN) 2.0. Most of its leaders are former Umno members.”

He also urged the federal government to show its sincerity by giving back full autonomy to Sarawak.

“Show that you are different (than BN) and allow a Referendum Ordinance to be tabled in Parliament.”

He also hoped the GPS-led state government would allow a Referendum Ordinance to be tabled at the upcoming State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, which starts on Nov 5.

Chin explained that the main reason for S4S to organise the gathering on Nov 4 was to let Sarawakians understand that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) did not impose restrictions on Sarawak’s autonomy, and Sarawak could decide whether to remain or withdraw from the Federation of Malaysia.

“In other words, it further confirms that the Sarawak government has been withholding the rights granted to Sarawakians under the said agreement.”

Chin also stressed that the gathering was mainly to convey Sarawakians’ petition to both the state and the federal governments to demand a referendum and at the same time, demonstrate to the international community to observe the struggles of Sarawakians against the federal government’s insincerity.

Meanwhile, Chin hoped Sarexit would materialise in two years when the people are more receptive of the idea.

“The next two years will be the state election, so, hopefully, by then the people will know what is best Sarawak.” — DayakDaily


