Sarawakians abroad urged to return to positively impact State’s devt

Lee (left) witnessing the installation of the new office bearers of Sarawak Taiwan Graduates' Association (Miri Division).

By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, Feb 25: Sarawakians who have chosen to pursue opportunities abroad have been urged to remember their roots and consider returning to contribute to the development of Sarawak.

“By bringing back their knowledge, skills, and experiences gained from overseas, these individuals can play a crucial role in driving growth and innovation in their home State. Whether it is through starting businesses, sharing expertise, or participating in community initiatives, Sarawakians abroad have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the region,” said Minister of Transport Sarawak Dato Sri Lee Kim Shin.


He was speaking at the Sarawak Taiwan Graduates’ Association (Miri Division) dinner gathering last night at a here.

Lee said it is time for Sarawakians abroad to consider returning and giving back to the place that shaped them.

“Sarawak is rapidly developing with new infrastructure projects and increasing economic opportunities. In order to sustain this growth, it is crucial for the local population to actively contribute to the development process,” he stated.

Lee highlighted the importance in recognising their role in contributing to the progress of the State and working together towards a brighter and more prosperous future for Sarawak.

“Sarawak has implemented various development programmes aimed at fostering growth and progress in the region. These initiatives encompass a wide range of sectors including infrastructure, education, healthcare, and agriculture. Through these programmes, the State government is committed to improving the quality of life for its residents and promoting economic prosperity,” Lee said.

He further said, key areas of focus include the construction of new roads, schools, hospitals, and the promotion of sustainable farming practices.

“By investing in these initiatives, Sarawak is paving the way for a brighter future for its people and ensuring long-term sustainable development,” he added.

Also present were the association’s chairman Ling Kuok Tai and World Federation of Taiwan Alumni Association president, Ijoh Du Long. — DayakDaily
