Sarawak vs Petronas unpaid SST case still be heard on March 13

The court complex in Kuching.

By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Feb 19: The Court of Appeal has unanimously allowed a stay of proceedings in the Sarawak government’s suit against Petronas for unpaid 5 per cent in State Sales Tax (SST) amounting to RM 1.3 billion but the date of hearing which falls on March 13 reminds unchanged.

Petronas has appealed for a stay in the civil suit to recover unpaid SST due to State Government until the disposal of the case to recuse Judicial Commissioner Christopher Chin as the presiding judge for the case.


Petronas’ appeal will be heard on March 6.

The three-member bench led by Datuk Mary Lim Thiam Suan agreed with Petronas’ application.

If Petronas’ appeal fails on March 6, Sarawak’s suit against Petronas will proceed as scheduled on March 13 where Chin will preside as judge.

If the appeal succeeds, a new judge will preside over the hearing.

The three-member bench also ruled that the directions given by Chin stay where both parties will require to exchange submissions on March 2 and a second submission on March 6. — DayakDaily
